Life in Misery, oops...Missouri!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Have you ever wondered what low life scum steals? I do...Wayne, our roomie got his car (a ghetto cruiser, a white 4 door caddy) stolen out of our driveway Saturday nite! You know, you work hard all your life and then one day some lazy, or not so lazy in this case piece o' crap steals from you! I say not so lazy only because this poc (piece o'crap) took the time to take both antennas off of the unlocked trucks in the driveway to jimmy the lock on one of the 2 locked vehicles in the driveway. So, I guess that takes some skill and luck, and yes a smidge bit of time therefore they can't be too lazy or they would have broken the window! I guess I should feel lucky it wasn't my car but then again they obviously were smarter than that as my car has a coded key, the only thing that will start my car is this darned key!
Ok, so can you tell me an instance where a poc invaded your turf and stole from you? I already know my moms answer as she was car jacked a little over a year ago...that poc is finally locked away but only in a mental institution, not where he truly belongs as far as I'm concerned let him try it on me and I'll go get myself a girlfriend and 3 square meals a day...I am not against killing someone that threatens my life! Nor am I above it!